New Caribbean Ferry to Connect Guyana, Barbados and Trinidad
Caribbean Journal Staff
March 5, 2024
The ferry would connect Barbados, Guyana and Trinidad
The ferry, the product of a partnership between Guyana, Trinidad and Barbados, will transport both passengers and containers, according to Guyanese officials.
A landmark new ferry service connecting three Caribbean destinations is anticipated to launch in the next few months. This, according to Guyana's President, Dr. Mohamed Irfan Ali.
The ferry, the product of a partnership between Guyana, Trinidad, and Barbados, will transport both passengers and containers, according to Guyanese officials.
“In another two, or three months that ferry will begin operations, and we are hoping that this will instill confidence in the private sector,” Ali said.
Customs and Immigration officials from Guyana, Barbados, and Trinidad have already agreed that most systems were already in place and can be adjusted to accommodate the [ferry] service, according to a statement from CARICOM.
The Sea Breeze Beach House, is one of the top all-inclusive resorts in Barbados
The initial service will be operated on the Galleons Passage ship (photo above), which has a capacity for about 400 passengers.
Timeframes for the service have not yet been released; the Guyana-Trinidad trip would likely require nearly a day’s sailing.
But the service may not stop at just the edge of the southern Caribbean.
While ferry services tend to be very popular, particularly with travelers, their broader use in the region has been limited only to certain regions: the US And British Virgin Islands; the greater St Maarten area (with islands like Anguilla, Saba, Statia, St Barth and St Kitts); and Eastern Caribbean islands like Martinique, Saint Lucia, Guadeloupe, and Dominica.
Talks have already begun on setting up a common regional ferry service within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
That could be a major game-changer for intra-regional transportation.
In the meantime, a company called Connect Caribe is also looking to set up a pan-Caribbean ferry service.