Death at 7 AM

If you think education is expensive, then try ignorance


At a hospital's intensive care unit, (I.C.U), patients always pass away in the same bed at 7 am every morning regardless of their condition.

This situation puzzled medical staff, so a group of medical doctors observed the bed secretly and waited for the fateful hour. Some held crosses and prayer books to ward off evil influences.

While the less superstitious ones held cameras, tablets, and smartphones to capture every moment of this hour.

At exactly 7 am, the door to the ward slowly opened, and behold, Mama Sikira the cleaner who usually starts her duties at 7:00 am, came in and disconnected the life support machine from the main power source and plugged in her Nokia phone charger.

If You Think Education is Expensive, Then Try Ignorance.

#Satirical | #Education | #Life support machine | #Mama Sikira |#Editorial Press