Banana Republic Blues

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The MAGA crowd

I never thought I would be comparing Washington DC to the Green Zone in Baghdad; however, the MAGA crowd brought us to the brink of a very un-American insurrection. Trump stormtroopers aimed was to overturn the will of the American people and, in true Jim Crow fashion, tried to disenfranchise African Americans and other minorities.

The world citadel of democracy was brought low by a rogue’s gallery of white supremacists’, conspiracy theory nuts, and slavish devotees of the cult of Trump.

Trump, his children, and staff celebrate as their supporters wreaked havoc and assault on America's Democracy.

In Pictures: Trump' Stormtroopers

January 6, 2021 will forever be remembered as a day of infamy. You do not have to be Nostradamus to know what was going to happen next.

I kept my literary powder-dry on the outcome of the election. Like an exhausted boxer in the last round, waited for Trumps' spurious clowns to reach their logical conclusion and bow to the inevitable.

The fresh promise of a New year had barely ushered in when Donald J Trump and his merry band of ‘stormtroopers’ attempted to shred the Constitution in a failed de facto coup -so much for law and order.

There is plenty of blame to go around, and Trump is not the only one with blood on his hands.

The catalyst for the Capitol insurrection was based; on a web of hate, disinformation, and misguided racial animus. Social media and political toadies like Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley -helped spread venom into the body politics. Furthermore, acolytes like Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, and Rush Limbaugh perpetuate the Myth of a stolen election. Grumpy ‘Moscow’ Mitch McConnell, William Barr exchanged their morality and patriotic duty for political power.

The communal ties that bind our nation have been torn a shred by a megalomaniacal faux tyrant, political poseur, and a mean-spirited dilettante.

Trumps' primary legacy is a nation ravaged by disease, economic devastation, and increased racial animosity. Therefore impeachment seems to be a 'fitting coda' to His four-year reign of terror and endless scandals.

Globally the image of America as a shining bastion of democracy has been shattered.

There have been a few profiles-in-courage on the Republican side: Senator Mitt Romney and Congresswoman Liz Cheney deserve praise for their commitment to truth and honor.

The future of the GOP cloudy on the horizon; a fratricidal civil war is looming between traditional conservatives and Trump-republicans. One can only hope, for the sake of our democracy, the better angels prevail over those who live in the alternative universe of hate and deception.

Hopefully, Joe Biden offers America a chance to reset. He will need all his political acumen to raise the American phoenix from the ashes.

America is a divided nation- One of the most disappointing aspects of the 2020 election despite some disastrous policies and chaotic reign, 74 million Americans still voted for the continuation of Trumps' strange brew of political Theatre.

Trump abrogated every oath he took to protect us from all enemies: foreign or domestic. He left an indelible dark stain on the psyche of our nation.

Trumps' Insurrection

A major tenet of American democracy is the peaceful transition of power, this sacrosanct principle Trump sought to overturn in a demonic attempt to retain the White House.

With a failure to concedes election, Trump unleashed a motley crew of domestic terrorists on the nation without regard for life or liberty.

Rather than suppressing voter turnout, we need a new Republican party that competes for everyone's vote.

Time to choose country over party, virulent ideology, and political opportunism. We have stared into the abyss and seen the enemy within. Political philosopher, Edmund Burke: '...all that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to stand by and do nothing.' After the events at the Capitol, doing nothing no longer seems to be a viable option.


Theo Edwards

Theo Edwards has over twenty years of diverse Information Technology experience. He spent his days playing with all things IBMi, portal, mobile application, and enterprise business functional and architectural design.

Before joining IBM as Staff Software Engineer, Theo worked as a programmer analyst and application specialist for businesses hosting eCommerce suite on IBMi platform. He has been privileged to co-author numerous publications such as Technical Handbooks, White paper, Tutorials, Users Guides, and FAQs. Refer to manuals here. Theo also holds a degree in Computer Science, Business Administration and various certifications in information security and technologies. He considers himself a technophile since his engagement at Cable & Wireless then later known SLET.