
Ola George was born in London, England to Sierra Leonean parents Fred and Muriel George. His parents were part of the early wave of Africans who left to seek career and educational opportunities in the Colonial era. In the United Kingdom, they raised a family of three sons and gained a foothold in their careers.

As a young man, Ola was a voracious reader. This sparked his imagination and curiosity for people and places around the world. In addition, the engaging conversations about politics around the family dinner table eventually helped guide him to a degree in both journalism and political science.

His academic dreams would be put on hold while the family retransition back to Sierra Leone. His parents longed to return to their homeland but this time they would do so with their children in tow. While in Africa, his parents attempted to find the security and prosperity they had achieved in England. This task proved to be challenging. As a result, while in Sierra Leone, Ola was offered the opportunity to join an airline and he traveled the world for several years. Meanwhile, realizing that job opportunities in their homeland were somewhat limited, the family decided to immigrate to America with two of their three sons. After several years of working for the airlines, Ola joined his family in America where he then pursued his longtime dream of going to University. In America, he eventually earns BA degrees in journalism, political science and a Masters in Education.

Ola feels enternal gratitude for the sacrifices his parents made to ensure their family was secure and that their children would be able to fulfill their dreams. 

Ola George
+1 (909) 689 5165
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