U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO)

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO)

Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) play a vital role in immigration enforcement. They oversee all aspects of the process, which includes identifying individuals, as well as their arrest, detention, and removal under immigration law. ERO typically learns about these individuals through Interpol notices, suspected terrorists, cases involving counter-proliferation crimes, the terrorist watch list, or the no-fly list. Currently, 1,563 Sierra Leoneans are scheduled for imminent removal.

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The Cost of Applying for the U.S. Citizenship is About to Increase

The Cost of Applying for the U.S. Citizenship is About to Increase

The changes are a fraction of the fee increases sought by the Trump administration before a federal judge scrapped them. Still, immigration attorneys say immigration costs almost always trend higher, so those who want to naturalize for less should consider applying before April 1, 2024.

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African Immigrants in the United States of America

African Immigrants in the United States of America

Part III

The Trump administration recently announced it will be harder for some people to receive certain visas or a green card through a family member if they use Medi-Cal, SNAP, and subsidized housing. The change to the ‘Public Charge’ is what we are discussing. Not everyone needs to worry about the new public charge rule.

J Reynold Weeks

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A Rock And A Hard Place

A Rock And A Hard Place

In this year's presidential election, the immigration issues, and the horrific treatment of migrants will be central. Our collective psyche indelibly scarred by the horrific images of migrant children in cages, family separation, and the intolerable conditions at the southern border. Caught in this transnational vortex are many African migrants whose plight has been largely ignored by the mainstream media.

By Angela Brooks

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On 12th August 2018, J Reynold Weeks joined five other members (Joanne Van Hook, Addie Stokes, Bobby Fromer, Melinda Hunter, and Becky Sivalingam) of the Lancaster United Methodist Church of Southern California (USA) in a visit to Christ Ministries Center in San Diego California run by Rev. Dr. Bill Jenkins a 2016 Amnesty International’s Digna Ochoa Human Rights Defender Award recipient.

By J Reynold Weeks

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