A Rock And A Hard Place
With a philosophy of maximum cruelty
By Angela Brooks
In this year's presidential election, the immigration issues, and the horrific treatment of migrants will be central. Our collective psyche indelibly scarred by the horrific images of migrant children in cages, family separation, and the intolerable conditions at the southern border. Caught in this transnational vortex are many African migrants whose plight has been largely ignored by the mainstream media.
African migrants hoping to reach the US
Cutting off much-needed aid to countries in Central America and Africa has only magnified the problem. If the Trump administration thought its actions would stem the migrant tide allied with the philosophy of maximum cruelty, it has proven to be inept and chaotic. These refugees fled their home nations for a myriad of reasons, including war, poverty, and economic opportunity. However, the reality for many has been a nightmare. Instead of reaching American utopia, their dreams have stalled as detainees in Mexican migrant camps.
The squalid conditions have engendered new threats against African migrants trying to survive a hostile environment.
Apart from the language barrier, migrants face overt racism, violence, and threats from human traffickers.
In late 2019, a California Representative Karen Bass led a delegation to the Mexican border, where she highlighted the plight of this downtrodden class. We can only hope that the congresswoman’s fierce activism changes the narrative of the public perception of this crisis.