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All People's Congress (APC) 'Non-Participation' in Governance

The APC Executive Branch has instructed its newly elected members of parliament not to participate in governance until its demands—in particular, a rerun of the recently concluded General Election, were met.

PUBLIC NOTICE from members of the ALL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS (APC) Party elected representatives for parliament are endorsing the Party's position of 'Non-Participation' in governance at a meeting held on Friday, June 30, 2023. 

The Sixth Parliament proceedings begin July 13, 2023, according to the Clerk of the Sierra Leone Parliament, Paran Tarawally. 

In the video, the Mayor-Elect, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE, expresses her heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Freetonians for re-electing her as Mayor of Freetown. She also explains the APC party decision and concerns regarding their current non-participation in governance in The Sixth Parliament proceeding and the Local Council.

In Video: APC party decision of non-participation in governance in the Sixth Parliament and the local council.

Western observation teams, including the European Union (EU), accused the ECSL of inconsistencies and lack of integrity in key activities on electoral preparedness, including the tabulation of results.

The statement by the EU election observation mission (EU EOM) indicated procedures for tallying and results management came late in the electoral preparedness, clouding prospects of a transparent tabulation and results process.

Julius Maada Bio, the incumbent SLPP candidate, was declared the winner of Sierra Leone's presidential election.

The ECSL Chief Electoral Commissioner, Mohamed Konneh, said, Bio was re-elected with 56.17 percent of the votes on Saturday, June 24, 2023, and his top rival, Dr. Samura Wilson Kamara, came in second with 41.16 percent. 

APC elected representatives for parliament endorsed the Party's position of 'Non-Participation.'

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This statement from the National Democratic Institute (NDI) is worth reading in its entirety. ~ The Ambassador, US Embassy Freetown, in a tweet — 08 Jul 23.

NDI Statement on Sierra Leone PRVT

Paran Tarawally, the clerk of Parliament, explained the ramifications of not taking oath on the first day of Parliament.

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The ramifications of not taking oath on the first day of Parliament Paran Tarawally, Clerk of Parliament, Sierra Leone