Sierra Leone Breaks Under the Strain

Cotton Tree: A Landmark of Freetown

The Tree's exact age is unknown, but it is known to have existed in 1787. It is the oldest cotton tree in Freetown, Sierra Leone. It stands near the Supreme Court Building, Music Club, and Sierra Leone National Museum. 

The Cotton Tree was a Ceiba pentandra, also known commonly as a kapok tree, a historic symbol of Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone.

Formerly enslaved people who won their freedom fighting on the British side of the American-war of Independence prayed beneath the Tree when they arrived in West Africa.

The cotton tree is a historic symbol adorned with Sierra Leone banknotes and postage stamps. Visited by Queen Elizabeth II in 1961 and had remained a popular attraction.

The country has suffered several climate-related and environmental disasters in recent years.

The capital city Freetown over the past weeks, was inundated with rainfall. A heavy downpour a week ago caused one of the Tree branches to fall, but it thought it would survive. However, in another storm on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at around 9 PM local time, the entire Tree came down, leaving just part of the Ceiba pentandra trunk still standing.

Only the thick base of the towering Ceiba pentandra tree trunk was left standing after a heavy wind and rainstorm

Correspondence from Freetown suggests no one was injured, the government added, though the ripped branches damaged some nearby buildings and cars. President Bio and other officials are expected to visit the site.

Only the thick base of the towering Ceiba pentandra tree trunk was left standing after a heavy wind and rainstorm on Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Deeply saddened to learn that the iconic symbol of our city, the Cotton Tree, has fallen in tonight’s storm. Freetown was founded 231 years ago and many believe that the tree was already here then. A major part of our city’s identity is no more...
— Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr; Mayor of Freetown, 2018 - 2023

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Theo Edwards

Theo Edwards has over twenty years of diverse Information Technology experience. He spent his days playing with all things IBMi, portal, mobile application, and enterprise business functional and architectural design.

Before joining IBM as Staff Software Engineer, Theo worked as a programmer analyst and application specialist for businesses hosting eCommerce suite on IBMi platform. He has been privileged to co-author numerous publications such as Technical Handbooks, White paper, Tutorials, Users Guides, and FAQs. Refer to manuals here. Theo also holds a degree in Computer Science, Business Administration and various certifications in information security and technologies. He considers himself a technophile since his engagement at Cable & Wireless then later known SLET.

A View of a Part of Freetown


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