Freetown: The Cleansing of Society’ Wickedness and Moral Evil

Freetown: The Cleansing of Society’ Wickedness and Moral Evil

The skies have unleashed a deluge upon Freetown, with a relentless downpour almost daily since the beginning of July. “I make light and create darkness. I give blessings and create disasters. I, the LORD, do all these things” ~ Isaiah 45:7 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW). It is unclear whether this is a result of climate change, but ‘Freetonians,’ as the city mayor, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, often refers to the city's residents, has likely contributed to its own demise through environmental mismanagement, urban planning, housing, and a political system that has not effectively addressed the issue since the 80s that we so deserve this wrath.

By Theo Edwards for YAME
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