Whatever Happened to The So-called Strategic Alliance?
KKY; looking for his name in the cabinet ministers' list. As the Chief Minister, Finance Minister, Foreign Minister, and Trade Minister positions swiftly filled by SLPP loyalists, one can't help but wonder if Bio has even spared a thought for any desperate NGC lackeys, even for the lowliest of roles.
A Surreal Spectacle Unveiled!_ By Alan Luke
KKY; looking for his name in the cabinet ministers' list
A Surreal Spectacle Unveiled!_ By Alan Luke
KKY; looking for his name in the cabinet ministers' list. As the Chief Minister, Finance Minister, Foreign Minister, and Trade Minister positions swiftly filled by SLPP loyalists, one can't help but wonder if Bio has even spared a thought for any desperate NGC lackeys, even for the lowliest of roles.
These individuals, who once proudly represented the third largest political party in Sierra Leone, decided to ditch their principles in favor of hopping on the SLPP-led government gravy train.
Prepare yourselves for the grandest act of political betrayal Sierra Leone has ever witnessed! As President Bio triumphantly unveiled his questionable cabinet following the election coup, it became glaringly obvious; that Kandeh Yumkella, Jesmed F. Suma, Andrew Kemoh Kieli, Alhaji Amadu Sheriff, and their fellow NGC stalwarts have shattered all records when it comes to negotiating ineptitude.
These individuals, who once proudly represented the third largest political party in Sierra Leone, decided to ditch their principles in favor of hopping on the SLPP-led government gravy train. They conveniently turned a blind eye to the Bio government's laundry list of excesses, including extrajudicial killings, mammoth-scale fraud, and a knack for sowing division and chaos. It seems personal interests trumped any concerns for the public's welfare, as they shamelessly abandoned everything they once claimed to believe in.
It's safe to say; we will need a superhighway on Damascus Road to prevent a traffic jam as NGC executives and members scramble to join the bandwagon.
During the elections, the NGC leaders were not content with being ordinary supporters; they practically transformed into the SLPP's cheerleading squad, rooting for SLPP candidates for the presidency and Freetown. NGC aspirants were even obliged to campaign for SLPP candidates wherever the NGC failed to field a representative. The 'NGC- vuvuzelas,' the likes of the clueless DJ Million, went out of their way to justify this bizarre alliance.
They claimed it was all for 'the sake of securing SLPP's unwavering support for Yumkella in the 2028 elections.' What a load of hogwash! The reason behind the alliance was that Yumkella deemed it beneath his distinguished self to do what any other grubby politician would do—cross carpet.
As the Chief Minister, Finance Minister, Foreign Minister, and Trade Minister positions were swiftly filled by SLPP loyalists, one can't help but wonder if Bio has even spared a thought for any desperate NGC lackeys, even for the lowliest of roles. Meanwhile, Yumkella and his cronies stood idly by as they witnessed the loss of four MPs, one District Chairman, and the control of Kambia District Council. To add insult to injury, the NGC's vote share nosedived from a measly 6% to less than 1%. With public trust eroded, remaining members disillusioned by the web of lies spun by their leaders, and the party teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, one can't help but wonder: what's next for the NGC leadership, if none of them get a job in government, that they are so desperate for?
Perhaps a career in stand-up comedy would be a fitting alternative.
Tagged: #Comedy Central, Satirical
Appointment to The Cabinet
His Excellency Julius Maada Bio has announced the appointment of a new cabinet to his administration's second term.
Office of the President
Bio's SLPP Administration Second Term
July 10, 2023
His Excellency Julius Maada Bio has announced the appointment of a new cabinet to his administration's second term.
In Video: Courtesy SLBC
The cabinet's role is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of each member's respective office.
In a July 5th release, President Bio sacked Nine High-ranking Advisers with immediate effect—the decision conveyed in a letter addressed to the Accountant General, Ministry of Finance.
President Bio sacked Nine High-Ranking Advisers with immediate effect
These Ministers were also relieved from their cabinet posts.
Breaking news!! July 7, 2023
Minister of Information, sacked.
Minister of Youth, sacked.
David Francis was replaced and sent to the UN as a Special Representative.
Minister of Trade, sacked.
Minister of Transport, sacked.
Nine (9) Special Advisers to the President were sacked (as reported earlier.)
Ben Kaifala, re-appointed (Anti-corruption.)
Bank Governor, sacked.