FCC Unveils 49 New Classrooms with Support from Make-It-Happen, a UK Charity Organisation
Newly-constructed classrooms across three municipal schools
Her Worship the Mayor of Freetown, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr
On Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th June 2019, Her Worship the Mayor of Freetown, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, unveiled a total of 49 newly-constructed classrooms across three municipal schools.
With funding from Make-It-Happen, a UK Charity Organisation, FCC constructed 20, 18 and 11 classrooms at Henry Fergusson Municipal School, Fattah Rahman Municipal School and E.B. Williams Municipal School respectively.
The nine-month long construction of the classroom blocks is one of FCC’s Education Sector initiatives, aimed at improving the teaching and learning environment in municipal schools, in the #TransformFreetown Agenda. Before now, the schools were in deplorable conditions, to the extent that E.B Williams being popularly called “pan bodi skul“.
Mr Michael Colin, Chief Executive of Make-It-Happen
Speaking at the unveiling ceremonies, Mr Michael Colin, Chief Executive of Make-It-Happen, explained, “What we have provided here is planting an acorn. From the seed that we have planted, we very much hope that there will be a mighty oak tree, which will be your performance in the years to come. The reward I look for is to know that a student sitting here today will be a president of this country.”
Also present at the unveiling ceremonies were the British High Commissioner, a representative of Ministry of Education, members of the schools’ boards, Member of Parliament, Councillor and FCC’s Education Officer.
Addressing the students before cutting the ribbons, Mayor Aki-Sawyerr said, “This is about you. This is us actively playing our part to ensure that the quality of your education improves. The ball is now in your court; make use of these classrooms! Your success is our ultimate reward.”
In addition to the classroom blocks, toilets, staff rooms and office spaces were constructed at the schools.