Sierra Leone: Small Country, Massive Suffering

Sierra Leone: Small Country, Massive Suffering

Bad economy, no electricity, poor water supply, youth unemployment, the rampant abuse of KUSH, and the rise in crime rate. How did it all fall apart?

We cannot allow the future of our generation to be sacrificed for the sake of those driven by their pursuit of wealth and political ambition.

By Theo Edwards

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Time for a New Era

Time for a New Era

The call for change is not just a desire but a necessity if we're to break free from the shackles of the past and chart a new course for our nation. Let us heed this call and embrace the promise of a better tomorrow, with integrity and progress reigning supreme. In the heart of Sierra Leone's political landscape lies a deep-seated yearning for change. Far too long, our nation has been held hostage by the grip of aging politicians who have failed to deliver on their promises and have instead perpetuated a cycle of despair and disillusionment.

Op-Ed: Alpha Amadu Jalloh (The FOX: Sierra Leone Telegraph: 12 March 2024

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Mayor on The Front Line

Mayor on The Front Line

Mayor on The Front Line documentary is not just about politics. It's a battle for the soul of democracy. Elections must be fair, credible, and transparent. Mayor on the Front Line follows Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr as she fights to win a second term in the midst of one of Sierra Leone’s most fiercely contested elections. She confronts the hard realities of politics in a country still scarred by the horrors of a bloody civil war.

Africa Eye brings you original investigative journalism revealing secrets and rooting out injustice in the world’s most complex and exciting continent. Nothing stays hidden forever.

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Sierra Leone 2023 - Final Report on General Elections June 2023

Sierra Leone 2023 - Final Report on General Elections June 2023

'Tabulation and announcement of results proved to be the tipping point for the credibility of the elections. The entire process was opaque, meaningful observation was impeded, and the declaration of winners was not followed by the publication of disaggregated results per polling station.' These are the words of the European Union Observation Mission Final Report on Sierra Leone General Elections June 2023.

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The Rising Cost of Living, Especially Food and Energy

The Rising Cost of Living, Especially Food and Energy

Tin tranga! That is the new national anthem as hardship grips the motherland. The cost of essential commodities keeps soaring, making the cost of living unaffordable for many. 

From food to fuel and utilities to higher education, everything is going out of reach for the average Salone man. Even those with deep pockets (and there aren’t many) are feeling the pinch. What is the government doing?

By The Editorial Board: Credit Source: Share

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Visa Restriction Policy on Undermining the Democratic Process in Sierra Leone

Visa Restriction Policy on Undermining the Democratic Process in Sierra Leone

Today, we are announcing a new visa restriction policy for individuals involved in undermining democracy in Sierra Leone. This decision reflects the commitment of the U.S. to support Sierra Leoneans’ aspirations to have free and fair elections.

Statement by Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken

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98.1 Radio Democracy Journalist, Musa Kamara Receives Threat Over Interview With US Ambassador

98.1 Radio Democracy Journalist, Musa Kamara Receives Threat Over Interview With US Ambassador

“I have been dramatic in the last 24 hours since that my interview with the outgoing US Ambassador to Sierra Leone, David Reimer.” 

The outcome of the elections currently harbors an impasse between the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party and the main opposition party, All People’s Congress (APC) The APC has boycotted government and governance citing statistical inconsistencies with the announced results.

Related Share: U.S. Embassy Position on the Sierra Leone Election Results and the Country's Economy; Ambassador Reimers' announcement on Radio Democracy 98.1. (Last Updated August 16, 2023; 7:35 AM EST.)

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A View of a Part of Freetown

A View of a Part of Freetown

What is the future of Freetown? Should we give up and start thinking of a new capital? Or, can we, and should we try to salvage what's left of Freetown?

Whatever course we choose as a nation, it would require bold, visionary leadership at both central and local government levels to make any changes. Leaders need to think less politically and stop seeing people as mere 'constituencies' and votes. Because it is those political calculations that are responsible for the inaction of the leaders on many of these issues.

Source - share

By Theo Edwards

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UK travel red list cut to just seven countries

UK travel red list cut to just seven countries

The number of countries on the UK Covid travel red list will be cut from 54 to seven, the government says.

South Africa, Brazil, and Mexico come off the red list, which requires travelers to quarantine in an approved hotel at their cost for 10 full days.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said the changes begin on Monday and "mark the next step" in opening travel.

By George Bowden /BBC News

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Press Release: US Embassy Lift Visa Restrictions on Sierra Leone

Press Release: US Embassy Lift Visa Restrictions on Sierra Leone

The decision to lift Visas restrictions on Sierra Leone came as increased cooperation between the government of Sierra Leone in facilitating the timely return of its nationals who have been subject to final orders of removal from the United States of America, according to the new US Ambassador.

By Theo Edwards

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