European Union Invests Over €18 Million
On agricultural activities
To boost strategic agricultural investments for job creation through the inclusion of the private sector in agriculture, the European Union (EU), with the Government of Sierra Leone, has launched 15 Grants contracts worth over 18 million Euros (€18). The project expected to benefit about 8000 farmers. Increase the quality and quantity of Cocoa, Coffee, Cashew production, processing, marketing, and trading as part of the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) and the European Union Boosting Agriculture for Food Security Project (BAFS). Also, a total of 2,205 farmers are to improve food farming techniques adaptable to climate change, increased market access, and local entrepreneurship.
The ceremony took place on Thursday 20th February 2020, at the Miatta Conference car park, in Freetown. In attendance, the country's Vice President, Dr.Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh.
The grants will enable the beneficiaries to implement activities that will promote innovative and integrated farming techniques that will enhance market linkages for smallholder farmers and build their capacities to improve on their incomes as well as food and nutrition.
It would also support women and youth employment through small and medium-sized enterprise development activities.
The initiative fits into the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry national agricultural transformation plan, which has four key priorities; rice self-sufficiency, life stock development, crop diversification, and sustainable forest and biodiversity.
Increased Production and Productivity
Permanent Secretary attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Mrs. Fatmata Mustapha, encouraged the recipients to take full advantage of the need to use the grants to further capacity in the increasing production and productivity along value chains.
Vice-President, Juldeh Jalloh expressed gratitude to the EU for facilitating the project; noting, that it was important for the Government’s drive for economic diversification. He said that President Julius Maada Bio, has over the years, continued to reiterate that agriculture was a priority in food-sufficiency that supports various value chains and encourages the growth of small-scale industries creating over 24,000 employment for women and youth.
The Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai, noted the numerous challenges facing the agriculture sector ranging from low productivity, use of rudimentary technology, low-level infrastructure for marketing, among others.
These challenges recognized and addressed in the Medium Term National Development Plan (2019-2023) in cluster 2.1: Improving the productivity and commercialization of the agricultural sector.
In his statement, the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Dennis Vandi said the Ministry would provide the requisite enabling environment for the private sector, and development that would seek to improve the agriculture sector.
Tom Vens, the EU Ambassador, was convinced the new approach could unlock private investment and exploit significant opportunities in the agricultural sector with a specific focus on jobs for the youths. What was witnessed was the result of a highly competitive process in which a total of 67 applications and 15 projects emerged.
The EU support to BAFS recipients covers export cash crops and sustainable agriculture, diversification (Crops and Livestock). Support short value chains include non-formal micro-enterprises produced with artisanal methods, and a limited number of intermediaries between smallholder farmers, and the market. And support to large-scale value chains integrating formal and already well-established SMEs in the agribusiness sector.