Sierra Leone News, Corruption Theo Edwards Sierra Leone News, Corruption Theo Edwards

The Paran Affair

The investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission into allegations against Hon. Paran Tarawally and his wife, Abibatu Paran Tarawally, has uncovered a staggering misuse of public funds. The recovery of Le 151 million Old Leones, paid as salary to Mrs. Tarawally for nineteen months without her presence in Parliament, not only exposes the dubious conduct of a public official but also sheds light on the larger problem of entitlement within Sierra Leone's political family.

By Basita Michael (Lawyer, Former ICL Lecturer FBC, Founder Sierraeye Magazine and Sierraeye Debate, Former President SLBA, Governing officer ILRAJ)

A Microcosm of Sierra Leone's Political Entitlement

By Basita Michael (Lawyer, Former ICL Lecturer FBC, Founder Sierraeye Magazine and Sierraeye Debate, Former President SLBA, Governing officer ILRAJ)

The investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission into allegations against Hon. Paran Tarawally and his wife, Abibatu Paran Tarawally, has uncovered a staggering misuse of public funds. The recovery of Le 151 million Old Leones, paid as salary to Mrs. Tarawally for nineteen months without her presence in Parliament, not only exposes the dubious conduct of a public official but also sheds light on the larger problem of entitlement within Sierra Leone's political family.

The Parans' case is not isolated; it is emblematic of a larger problem within our political system. It reflects a prevailing attitude of over-entitlement among politicians and their families across successive regimes.

The Pervasive Indifference to corruption and abuse of office

As the investigation unfolds, it becomes increasingly clear that the Parans of our political landscape are symptomatic of a deeper malaise—a pervasive indifference to corruption and an acceptance of abuse of office as a norm.

At a recent meeting with SLPP Parliamentarians, members chanted, "We want we clerk!" "Paran!" "We want we clerk!" "Paran!" This underscores the alarming degree of indifference within our political society. The delayed response from the State House to the issue, followed by the deafening silence of the opposition and civil society, highlights a lack of urgency in addressing corruption concerns. Even the Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Dr. Abass Bundu, made a candid admission, acknowledging the presence of corruption within the administration of Parliament. Subsequently, he offered apologies, signaling a rare moment of transparency and accountability within our political institutions.

The word is the Paran case only surfaced because he dismissed staff and stepped on the toes of others in Parliament. This further suggests that corruption might have persisted undetected without such events and that accountability is driven not necessarily by ethical considerations but by revenge and anger. 

A damning indictment of our nation 

The Paran Tarawally affair is not just a scandal involving a single public official; it is a mirror reflecting the wider malaise afflicting our political family and that, as a society, we have become immune to the corrosive effects of corruption and abuse of office.

For far too long, the fight against corruption and abuse of office has been reduced to mere campaign slogans. The apparent ease with which individuals exploit their positions for personal gain suggests a systemic failure in our political culture, where accountability takes a backseat to self-interest.

Whether the Parans are indicted or not, the affair serves as a damning indictment of our country's political class and our nation as a whole. 

Beyond investigations and apologies 

The rot within our political institutions demands more than just an investigation into specific cases or an apology. The pervasive issues within our political institutions necessitate a comprehensive overhaul.

We must initiate systemic changes and reforms within Parliament, aiming for a complete transformation that bolsters transparency, accountability, and efficiency. While Parliament serves as an oversight body, there is an imperative need for an external entity to act as a check on parliamentary activities—a mechanism to "police the police."

On a societal level, the prevailing acceptance of corruption as a viable recourse must be addressed. We have a collective responsibility to safeguard the integrity of our public institutions. This requires a departure from entitlement-driven behaviors that compromise the proper functioning of these institutions and a conscious effort to refrain from incessantly exerting pressure on them, seeking undue favors, contracts, or employment opportunities based on personal connections, such as spouses, friends, relatives, or constituents.


Basita Michael: Lawyer, Former ICL Lecturer FBC, Founder Sierraeye Magazine and Sierraeye Debate, Former President SLBA, Governing officer ILRAJ

Sierra Leone attorney Basita Michael has continually challenged the government on grounds of unconstitutionality, violations of democracy, and breaches of the rule of law. She has been insulted, harassed, and threatened by the male-dominated government, but she continues to speak out in favor of her fellow citizens’ rights and support of the disadvantaged and marginalized.

Basita Michael Profile

Lawyer, Former ICL Lecturer FBC, Founder Sierraeye Magazine and Sierraeye Debate, Former President SLBA, Governing officer ILRAJ



The SLPP Clerk of Parliament and His Wife on Alleged Corruption

Paran Umar Tarawally, the Clerk of Parliament, employed ghost workers, including his wife, and since the said employment, Mrs. Abibatu Tarawally has not been reporting for duties but received salaries.


Word on The Street !!


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Sierra Leone News, Corruption Theo Edwards Sierra Leone News, Corruption Theo Edwards

NGC Accuses Dr. Abass Bundu, Speaker of Parliament, of Aiding and Abetting Corruption in Parliament

The NGC calls on Dr Abass Bundu, as the Speaker of Parliament, to demonstrate decisive leadership and uphold the highest standards of integrity and accountability. Immediate, transparent, and impartial investigations into the allegations against the Clerk of Parliament must be conducted, and appropriate disciplinary actions, if warranted, should be taken.

National Grand Coalition (NGC) Party, Press Release

National Grand Coalition (NGC) Party, Press Release

14th January 2024

The NGC finds it appalling that despite the serious allegations against the Clerk of Parliament, no concrete steps have been taken by the Parliament’s leadership to address the issue.

Dr. Abass Bundu, Speaker of Parliament, Sierra Leone

NGC believes that corruption should be treated as a criminal offense. Part of the problem in our enforcement effort is the need for adequate, fair, and consistent punitive measures proportional to the crime's nature, extent, and monetary value.

National Grand Coalition (NGC) Party Press Release


National Grand Coalition (NGC)


The SLPP Clerk of Parliament and His Wife on Alleged Corruption

In a troubling revelation, Paran Umar Tarawally, the Clerk of Parliament, employed his wife, Mrs. Abibatu Tarawally, as a Human Resource Officer in Parliament.

The Parliamentary Commission is investigating abuse of office allegations that the Clerk of Parliament employed ghost workers, including his wife, without due process and that since the said employment, Mrs. Abibatu Tarawally has not been reporting for duties but received salaries. 

Paran Umar Tarawally, the Clerk of Parliament, Sierra Leone

Reports indicate that Abibatu Paran Tarawally never reported for duty. Mrs. Tarawally's employment as a Human Resources Officer at Parliament, a role she purportedly obtained through her husband's influence, received a substantial gross salary of Le31,735,839 (Old Leone) and additional allowances for medical, rent, and utilities. This amounts to around US$7,000 monthly.

The Bonnie and Clyde Duo: The Clerk of Parliament Paran Tarawally and his wife, Abibatu Paran Tarawally.

The wife has agreed to pay back the money she received as a salary, having hired as a Human Resources Officer at Parliament, and the Commission confirmed they recovered about ninety percent of the money from her so far as the [Parliamentary Commision] continues with its investigations.

It is sad for us as a nation. Concerned citizens are asking why he [Paran Tarawally] is still in an official position.


Greed and Corruption in Leadership!

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Investigation of Allegations Against The Clerk of Parliament and His Wife

ACC Investigation of Allegations Against The Clerk of Parliament and His Wife

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is accused of double standards when dealing with corruption involving SLPP government officials and party members by misrepresenting the facts to minimize the severity of the crime(s). 

A pay stub shows the wife of the Clerk of Parliament had been a ghost employee in parliament and receiving state funds from at least 2021 and not the ten (10) months as stated by the ACC.

A Pay stub for Mrs. Abibatu Tarawally, wife of the Clerk of Parliament, Paran Umar tarawally

Critics say that corruption perpetrated by officials and subordinates is a direct reflection of the SLPP leadership. 

Sierra Leone is bleeding cash. Much of the corruption under the SLPP-led administration is highlighted in SL News print.

Theo Edwards for YAME
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Sierra Leone, Corruption Theo Edwards Sierra Leone, Corruption Theo Edwards

Corruption Undermines Social Development and Stymied Inclusive Economic Growth

Sierra Leone President: We Cannot Be This Corrupt. "We have to draw the line... we cannot be this corrupt as a nation and expect to develop," he told the BBC's Umaru Fofana in Freetown.

Source: BBC

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The White Papers

Sierra Leone President: We Cannot Be This Corrupt. "We have to draw the line... we cannot be this corrupt as a nation and expect to develop," he told the BBC's Umaru Fofana in Freetown.

Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio has said an investigation into allegations of corruption into the administration of his predecessor, President Ernest Bai Koroma, will lead to a large amount of property being confiscated and stolen money being returned to the state.

President Maada Bio said the commission of inquiry, led by foreign judges, was a major breakthrough that would help make corruption unfashionable and risky.

"We have to draw the line... we cannot be this corrupt as a nation and expect to develop," he told the BBC's Umaru Fofana in Freetown.

A lawyer for Mr. Koroma's opposition APC party has dismissed the allegations and said the party would challenge the findings in court.

Listen: Sierra Leone President Maada Bio on corruption

Source: BBC

A country that is desperately poor despite its wealth of natural resources would guarantee a decent standard of life for every one of its 7.5 million citizens.

President Julius Maada Bio, on Thursday, September 24, 2020, received the reports of the Commissions of Inquiry and the White Papers and has assured the Government will fully implement the recommendations therein.

The Government has carefully looked at the reports of the Commissions and the recommendations. The White Paper document recommendations Government has accepted in the interest of the people of Sierra Leone. Unlike other Commissions, the president assured the citizens that his administration would fully implement all recommendations.

In a press briefing, he publicly instructed the office of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice to effect the recommendations of the Commissions of Inquiry. “Recover all monies recommended to be returned to the people of Sierra Leone and to confiscate all assets recommended, and all other such penalties as recommended.”

He, however, emphasized respect for the rule of law, adding that: Persons and entities affected by the recommendation are guaranteed a peaceful and transparent judicial appeals process through which they can seek relief.

Summary of Justice Biobele Commission of inquiries reports presentation

The White Papers

223 Billions of Leones where Misappropriated by persons of interest ($94 Million) investigated by Justice Biobele.

126 person of interest investigated in his commission

84 indicted by Justice Biobele, they include:

1 indicted former President of Sierra Leone ( Ernest Bai Koroma)

13 indicted Former Minister

6 indicted Deputy former minister

1 indicted CEO of National Ebola Response Center

1 indicted former secretary to the former President

2 indicted former Governor of the bank of Sierra Leone

1 indicted former chairman of National Commission for Privatisation

3 indicted Member of Parliament

10 Permanent Secretary

1 former coordinating officer of the National Election Commission

1 former head of case management Team at the Ebola operation Center

2 former Director-General

1 former CEO of Small Medium Enterprise Development Agency

1 former Managing Director of Sierra Leone Commercial Bank

5 of the former Director of youth projects where indicated

3 heads of Musical groups in Sierra Leone. (Kolabo and others to refund money giving to them to the Government of Sierra Leone)

26 Person of interest where discharged

5 former Minister where discharged

10 former deputy minister where discharged

2 Permanent Secretary where discharged

9 other persons of interest were discharged including (a ) Kawsu Kebbie; (b) Chief Sadiq Kapuwa; (c ) Ibrahim Swarry of NPPA

The most guilty of all indicted was Limkokwing University, which was not in the interest of the people of Sierra Leone. Everything about its formation is corrupt

17 person of Interest on asset declaration where investigated by Justice Biobel they are:

(1) Madam Finda Diana Konomanyi

(2 ) Miatta Kargbo

(3) Ibrahim Washinga Mansaray

(4 ) Abdul Linoux Koroma

(5 ) Minkalu Mansaray

(6) Ahmed Kanu

(7 ) Alimamy Kamara

(8 ) Mabinty Daramy

(9 ) Bai Mahmoud Bangura

(10 ) Alfred Paolo Conteh

(11) Dr. Minkalu Bah

(12) Alimamy P. Koroma

(13) Mahmoud Tarawalli

(14 ) Dr. Richard Conteh

(15) Franklin Bai Kargbo

(16) Sulata Cooper

(17 ) Raymond Saidu Kargbo

14 of the asset of persons of interest of unexplained wealth where indicted

3 Person of interest asset discharged

All persons indicted who failed to declare their asset should serve an imprisonment of Six Months or pay 30 Million Leones… differential from the money they should refund

All persons of interest who declare their assets only once or twice have also been found guilty, but been discharged ( at least they try) said the Justice Biobele.

All property own by persons of interest that is within there earning are discharged

All accounts owned by persons of interest within there earning are discharged and giving access to them

All property acquired by persons of interest indicted with funds beyond there means of income, are products of unlawful and unjust enrichment, hence, their property would be forfeited to the Government and people of Sierra Leone

All forfeited property should be sold to any interested person in Sierra Leone at a fair value, and the money should be remitted immediately to the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Government of Sierra Leone

All funds in the bank account of persons indicted that's beyond there mean of earning must be forfeited to the Government of Sierra Leone, within 30 days from the date the recommendation is ratified

In the event anybody fails to return or repay the money Government shall use all law within its powers to confiscate all money own by that individual, either money in a bank account, or property moveable or immoveable including houses, vehicles, stocks belong to persons of interest, with the purpose of selling it, in order to pay the amount belonging to the people of Sierra Leone

All persons of interest that failed to attend the hearing of the Commission of Inquiries are thereby indicted and ban 5 years for holding public office

All persons of interest who are banned from holding public office, after there ban expired should write an apology letter to the people of Sierra Leone openly and publish in the various news-papers, and copy the justice department for its records

It is my hope that the Government of Sierra Leone under the leadership of H.E President Julius Maada Bio would recover all stolen money and property and return to the people of Sierra Leone

And these recommendations would serve as a reminder to all present Government Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Director-General, Permanent Secretary that corruption has no place in Sierra Leone any more and they should work purely for the benefit and interest of the people of Sierra Leone

The most guilty of all indicted was Limkokwing University, which was not in the interest of the people of Sierra Leone. Everything about its formation is corrupt

The most guilty of all indicted was Limkokwing University, which was not in the interest of the people of Sierra Leone. Everything about its formation is corrupt

Examination of the Assets of Named Persons of Interest

Properties at Femi Turner, Goderich, and at Robureh, Makeni owned by former President Ernest Bai Koroma are to be confiscated as recommended by the Government White Papers on the Commissions of Inquiry. President Bio has instructed the Office of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice to effect the recommendations of the Commissions of Inquiry and confiscate all assets as recommended and recover all monies to be returned to the people of Sierra Leone.

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