Liberia: President BoaKai and Vice President Jeremiah Koung Declared Assets Publicly

Liberia: President BoaKai and Vice President Jeremiah Koung Declared Assets Publicly

Transparency strengthens public trust and underscores unyielding dedication to rooting corruption and fostering a climate of openness and accountability, signaling an era of responsible and conscientious leadership. The law only says public officers should declare their assets; they don't need to make them public.

Theo Edwards for YAME
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All People's Congress (APC) 'Non-Participation' in Governance

All People's Congress (APC) 'Non-Participation' in Governance

The APC Executive Branch has instructed its newly elected members of parliament not to participate in governance until its demands—in particular, a rerun of the recently concluded General Election, were met.

The Sixth Parliament proceedings begin July 13, 2023, according to the Clerk of the Sierra Leone Parliament, Paran Tarawally.

By Theo Edwards

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