All People's Congress (APC) 'Non-Participation' in Governance

All People's Congress (APC) 'Non-Participation' in Governance

The APC Executive Branch has instructed its newly elected members of parliament not to participate in governance until its demands—in particular, a rerun of the recently concluded General Election, were met.

The Sixth Parliament proceedings begin July 13, 2023, according to the Clerk of the Sierra Leone Parliament, Paran Tarawally.

By Theo Edwards

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Sierra Leone High-Stakes General Election - Update

Sierra Leone High-Stakes General Election - Update

Freetown, Saturday, June 24 - amid a cost-of-living crisis, polling stations for the fiercely contested presidential, parliamentary, and municipal elections opened later than the 7 am scheduled time in the capital, Freetown. They were due to close at 5 pm local time, and vote-tallying commenced.

By Theo Edwards

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Press Release: Lead Up to Sierra Leone General Election

Press Release: Lead Up to Sierra Leone General Election

In the lead-up to the 24 June presidential, parliamentary, and municipal elections, the international community is concerned about the recent incidents of violence and reminding all the political parties of their pledge to commit to nonviolence and to conduct themselves peacefully.

By Theo Edwards

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