Auditor-General Responds to Tribunal Report, Raises Concerns Over Findings and Process

Auditor-General Responds to Tribunal Report, Raises Concerns Over Findings and Process

The Tribunal’s interpretation of these drafts as separate reports reflects a lack of understanding of standard audit procedures. She described the Tribunal's fundamental misunderstanding of the audit processes within the Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL). The Tribunal claimed two separate reports were prepared for the same audit, a conclusion Taylor-Pearce refuted as misleading. She explained that draft reports are typically prepared by audit teams and reviewed by the Deputy Auditor-General before the final report is signed off.

Article by @sierraeyesalone
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All People's Congress (APC) 'Non-Participation' in Governance

All People's Congress (APC) 'Non-Participation' in Governance

The APC Executive Branch has instructed its newly elected members of parliament not to participate in governance until its demands—in particular, a rerun of the recently concluded General Election, were met.

The Sixth Parliament proceedings begin July 13, 2023, according to the Clerk of the Sierra Leone Parliament, Paran Tarawally.

By Theo Edwards

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