Sierra Leone: 63 Years of Abject Failure and the Endless Cycle of Loans
A legacy of visionless leadership and perpetual dependency. Another loan. Another press release. Another moment for Sierra Leone’s so-called leaders to pat themselves on the back while the nation sinks deeper into poverty. The World Bank just approved an $80 million financing package for Sierra Leone — $60 million for budget support and $20 million to prepare for natural disasters. And we’re supposed to celebrate? —enough is enough.
By Reggie Cole — December 14, 2024
A legacy of visionless leadership and perpetual dependency
—enough is enough
By Reggie Cole | December 14, 2024
Another loan. Another press release. Another moment for Sierra Leone’s so-called leaders to pat themselves on the back while the nation sinks deeper into poverty. The World Bank just approved an $80 million financing package for Sierra Leone — $60 million for budget support and $20 million to prepare for natural disasters. And we’re supposed to celebrate?
No, this is an indictment of 63 years of abject failure, incompetence, and corruption by both the APC and SLPP.
In a country with 44 minerals, 7 rivers, and arable land that could make us the breadbasket of West Africa, we are borrowing to pay wages.
This is the legacy of these two political parties — a legacy of visionless leadership and perpetual dependency.
Let’s not pretend that natural disasters or pandemics are the root cause of our economic misery. The real culprits are the policy missteps, corruption, and lack of innovation from those in power.
I started a business from my children’s bedroom with a £100,000 loan. Within 36 months, I paid back the lender £1 million, and that business grew to a valuation of £120 million. That’s called vision, hard work, and accountability. Meanwhile, Sierra Leone — a nation blessed with immense natural wealth — has leaders who can’t even keep the lights on without running to the World Bank or IMF, cap in hand.
What kind of foolishness is this?
How can a country with so many resources and potential be reduced to begging for $80 million to survive? This isn’t just incompetence; it’s a national disgrace. While our politicians hoard wealth in foreign mansions and send their children to elite schools overseas, the average Sierra Leonean endures misery, poor infrastructure, and a stagnant economy. The people are robbed blind, yet still wave flags for these failed parties.
APC and SLPP supporters, listen up
If you continue to endorse these thieves, you deserve every struggle you face. Your loyalty is being weaponized against you. Your future is being auctioned off to international lenders who care nothing for your well-being. This is what happens when visionless leaders are allowed to rule unchecked — they trade your prosperity for their personal comfort.
Sierra Leone’s potential is limitless, but until we reject this cycle of corruption, tribalism, and short-term thinking, we will remain beggars at the global table. The answer isn’t another loan or another IMF program. The answer is visionary leadership that can turn our resources into wealth, our potential into prosperity, and our struggles into success.
It’s time to say enough is enough. Sierra Leone doesn’t need another loan — it needs leaders with courage, integrity, and a plan for genuine growth. Until then, expect more loans, more poverty, and more disappointment.
Sierra Leone: Small Country, Massive Suffering
Bad economy, no electricity, poor water supply, youth unemployment, the rampant abuse of KUSH, and the rise in crime rate. How did it all fall apart?
We cannot allow the future of our generation to be sacrificed for the sake of those driven by their pursuit of wealth and political ambition.
By Theo Edwards
How did it all fall apart?
Bad economy, no electricity, fraud and corruption, poor infrastructure, poor water supply, youth unemployment, the rampant abuse of Kush, and the rise in crime.
Every blessed day, you will find something to be outraged about.
It pains like-minded Sierra Leoneans to see the stark contrast between the envisioned utopia and the grim reality in Mama Salone, a land abundant with many God-given natural resources.
Our so-called educated elite, leaders, traditional rulers, and religious figures have all become agents of our demise, poisoning the well of our collective aspirations.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States once said, ‘…nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s true character, give him power.’ Power reveals dishonesty, greed, corruption, and unqualified functionaries in us.
Power consumes one’s ability to use common sense
Sierra Leone has manifested itself into tribal and regional affiliations that have become barriers to meaningful collaboration.
Regrettably, these divisions of tribalism extend to the leadership and various governmental institutions. The specter of politics and political affiliations looms large and appears more important than national interest.
Positions on national issues are based entirely on convenience and not deeply on how things appear good or bad or how we want to hold people in power accountable but on who we try to protect based on affiliation or connections.
Politicians don't give a dam! Not until we Sierra Leoneans treat each other with dignity and value the life of everyone nothing will ever change.
No transparency or accountability oversight. The very essence of democracy
The two sides of our political framework follow the same road. And they both wind up in the same place every single time.
Transparency is an absolute necessity for achieving accountability in any democratic system. It is only when those in power are held responsible for their actions that trust can exist between the government and its citizens. Without transparency and accountability, the government can easily become corrupt and abuse its power, leading to a breakdown of trust and a loss of faith in the entire system.
The pursuit of power has blinded many politicians to the basic needs of humanity, leading to a decline in the quality of life for the general public. The obsession with gaining and maintaining power has consumed the ability to use common sense and make decisions that benefit constituents. As a result, basic needs like access to clean water, healthcare, education, and infrastructure are being neglected, while those in power focus on their self-interests.
READ: ‘Absolute disgrace:’ State institutions are not working as they ought
This selfish behavior not only harms the nation but also weakens the fabric of society as a whole.
It's been sixty-three long years since our independence on April 27, 1961, and yet we still find ourselves trapped in the shackles of mental slavery. Corruption, ignorance, and mismanagement continue to plague our society, serving as the hallmarks of power and control.
It is the sad reality, that despite our freedom, we have failed to break free from the chains that bind us and prevent us from reaching our true potential as a nation.
The people of Sierra Leone have long been asking for very little, but unfortunately, so much is taken away from them. The realities on the ground are all too real and paint a very sad picture
In societies that meet the academic definition of 'good governance,' the government is supposed to meet the needs of the people. However, in Sierra Leone, this is often not the case. Despite the best efforts of some, the needs of the people are often ignored, and their basic rights are frequently violated.
The Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) and the All Peoples Congress (APC), the two pillars of our political framework, have long become synonymous with stagnation and corruption. The level of corruption runs in both directions creating an environment where crime and bribery flourish.
READ: When humanity succumbs to acts of greed and oppression, they are even less than animals
It's a tragic state of affairs and time for a change. We need leaders who are committed and committed to reforms such as taking a harder line against party leaders who've been implicated in corruption and state capture.
The time for our leaders to prioritize the needs of the people they serve, and work together to create a better future for all.
Poverty and Uncertainty occupying the mind! In poverty-stricken societies, people are forced to make desperate choices just to survive. They are willing to eat from any plate, regardless of the source, because hunger knows no boundaries. They are willing to dance for political t-shirts not because they desire them, but because they need clothes to wear. It is appalling that we have allowed these issues to persist, ignoring them until election season when politicians use them to gain leverage. Let us not forget that these are real people with real struggles, not just pawns in a political game.
Through effective management of resources and eliminating corruption, Sierra Leone can chart a sustainable path toward a brighter and more prosperous future.
It is time to take action and address these issues with urgency and compassion.
KUSH: Is not only the new face of Sierra Leone but also the new mineral of Sierra Leone. Disheartening!
Because of the enduring impact and the self-interest of our politicians, Sierra Leone has slid into a more dangerous territory due to the rampant abuse of KUSH. A drug that is quickly becoming the new face of addiction in the country. Those who turn to KUSH in search of relief are often met with devastating consequences leading to even worse problems than those it was intended to solve.
‘For, it would be useless to chase out the colonial rulers if the Africans who replaced them are just as greedy and ruthless ~Kwame Nkrumah.
As citizens, we only need to look around us to know where we are as a nation. We cannot allow the future of our generation to be sacrificed for the sake of those driven by their pursuit of wealth and political ambition.
Corruption Undermines Social Development and Stymied Inclusive Economic Growth
Sierra Leone President: We Cannot Be This Corrupt. "We have to draw the line... we cannot be this corrupt as a nation and expect to develop," he told the BBC's Umaru Fofana in Freetown.
Source: BBC
The White Papers
Sierra Leone President: We Cannot Be This Corrupt. "We have to draw the line... we cannot be this corrupt as a nation and expect to develop," he told the BBC's Umaru Fofana in Freetown.
Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio has said an investigation into allegations of corruption into the administration of his predecessor, President Ernest Bai Koroma, will lead to a large amount of property being confiscated and stolen money being returned to the state.
President Maada Bio said the commission of inquiry, led by foreign judges, was a major breakthrough that would help make corruption unfashionable and risky.
"We have to draw the line... we cannot be this corrupt as a nation and expect to develop," he told the BBC's Umaru Fofana in Freetown.
A lawyer for Mr. Koroma's opposition APC party has dismissed the allegations and said the party would challenge the findings in court.
Listen: Sierra Leone President Maada Bio on corruption
Source: BBC
A country that is desperately poor despite its wealth of natural resources would guarantee a decent standard of life for every one of its 7.5 million citizens.
President Julius Maada Bio, on Thursday, September 24, 2020, received the reports of the Commissions of Inquiry and the White Papers and has assured the Government will fully implement the recommendations therein.
The Government has carefully looked at the reports of the Commissions and the recommendations. The White Paper document recommendations Government has accepted in the interest of the people of Sierra Leone. Unlike other Commissions, the president assured the citizens that his administration would fully implement all recommendations.
In a press briefing, he publicly instructed the office of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice to effect the recommendations of the Commissions of Inquiry. “Recover all monies recommended to be returned to the people of Sierra Leone and to confiscate all assets recommended, and all other such penalties as recommended.”
He, however, emphasized respect for the rule of law, adding that: Persons and entities affected by the recommendation are guaranteed a peaceful and transparent judicial appeals process through which they can seek relief.
Summary of Justice Biobele Commission of inquiries reports presentation
The White Papers
223 Billions of Leones where Misappropriated by persons of interest ($94 Million) investigated by Justice Biobele.
126 person of interest investigated in his commission
84 indicted by Justice Biobele, they include:
1 indicted former President of Sierra Leone ( Ernest Bai Koroma)
13 indicted Former Minister
6 indicted Deputy former minister
1 indicted CEO of National Ebola Response Center
1 indicted former secretary to the former President
2 indicted former Governor of the bank of Sierra Leone
1 indicted former chairman of National Commission for Privatisation
3 indicted Member of Parliament
10 Permanent Secretary
1 former coordinating officer of the National Election Commission
1 former head of case management Team at the Ebola operation Center
2 former Director-General
1 former CEO of Small Medium Enterprise Development Agency
1 former Managing Director of Sierra Leone Commercial Bank
5 of the former Director of youth projects where indicated
3 heads of Musical groups in Sierra Leone. (Kolabo and others to refund money giving to them to the Government of Sierra Leone)
26 Person of interest where discharged
5 former Minister where discharged
10 former deputy minister where discharged
2 Permanent Secretary where discharged
9 other persons of interest were discharged including (a ) Kawsu Kebbie; (b) Chief Sadiq Kapuwa; (c ) Ibrahim Swarry of NPPA
The most guilty of all indicted was Limkokwing University, which was not in the interest of the people of Sierra Leone. Everything about its formation is corrupt
17 person of Interest on asset declaration where investigated by Justice Biobel they are:
(1) Madam Finda Diana Konomanyi
(2 ) Miatta Kargbo
(3) Ibrahim Washinga Mansaray
(4 ) Abdul Linoux Koroma
(5 ) Minkalu Mansaray
(6) Ahmed Kanu
(7 ) Alimamy Kamara
(8 ) Mabinty Daramy
(9 ) Bai Mahmoud Bangura
(10 ) Alfred Paolo Conteh
(11) Dr. Minkalu Bah
(12) Alimamy P. Koroma
(13) Mahmoud Tarawalli
(14 ) Dr. Richard Conteh
(15) Franklin Bai Kargbo
(16) Sulata Cooper
(17 ) Raymond Saidu Kargbo
14 of the asset of persons of interest of unexplained wealth where indicted
3 Person of interest asset discharged
All persons indicted who failed to declare their asset should serve an imprisonment of Six Months or pay 30 Million Leones… differential from the money they should refund
All persons of interest who declare their assets only once or twice have also been found guilty, but been discharged ( at least they try) said the Justice Biobele.
All property own by persons of interest that is within there earning are discharged
All accounts owned by persons of interest within there earning are discharged and giving access to them
All property acquired by persons of interest indicted with funds beyond there means of income, are products of unlawful and unjust enrichment, hence, their property would be forfeited to the Government and people of Sierra Leone
All forfeited property should be sold to any interested person in Sierra Leone at a fair value, and the money should be remitted immediately to the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Government of Sierra Leone
All funds in the bank account of persons indicted that's beyond there mean of earning must be forfeited to the Government of Sierra Leone, within 30 days from the date the recommendation is ratified
In the event anybody fails to return or repay the money Government shall use all law within its powers to confiscate all money own by that individual, either money in a bank account, or property moveable or immoveable including houses, vehicles, stocks belong to persons of interest, with the purpose of selling it, in order to pay the amount belonging to the people of Sierra Leone
All persons of interest that failed to attend the hearing of the Commission of Inquiries are thereby indicted and ban 5 years for holding public office
All persons of interest who are banned from holding public office, after there ban expired should write an apology letter to the people of Sierra Leone openly and publish in the various news-papers, and copy the justice department for its records
It is my hope that the Government of Sierra Leone under the leadership of H.E President Julius Maada Bio would recover all stolen money and property and return to the people of Sierra Leone
And these recommendations would serve as a reminder to all present Government Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Director-General, Permanent Secretary that corruption has no place in Sierra Leone any more and they should work purely for the benefit and interest of the people of Sierra Leone
The most guilty of all indicted was Limkokwing University, which was not in the interest of the people of Sierra Leone. Everything about its formation is corrupt
Examination of the Assets of Named Persons of Interest
Properties at Femi Turner, Goderich, and at Robureh, Makeni owned by former President Ernest Bai Koroma are to be confiscated as recommended by the Government White Papers on the Commissions of Inquiry. President Bio has instructed the Office of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice to effect the recommendations of the Commissions of Inquiry and confiscate all assets as recommended and recover all monies to be returned to the people of Sierra Leone.